Thursday, August 9, 2012

Subliminal Messages In Red Bull Commercial

OK so I was channel surfing the other day and came across the commercial you see below. It's a Red Bull advertisement using Napoleon as the main character. Watch the video and then scroll down to see my analysis.

The video starts with Napoleon as a child with his hand in his shirt pocket. What is the significance of this? Well the hidden hand is known as a Masonic symbol representing secret power hidden from the world's view. The next scene shows the character in math class with a triangle measuring device. Obviously once again this triangle represents the pyramid, an occult symbol. The commercial goes on to show Napoleon in Egypt and guillotining those who disagree with him and his government saying, 'those that disagreed well they didn't get to stay'. That is a nod to those who would go against the Illuminati and their plan. Another scene shows him with the hidden hand while his other hand rests on a globe. The commercial ends with Napoleon's exile on Elba island and him exposing what his hand holds, a can of Red Bull. The narrartor basically says that Napoleon's hidden hand is secret power that others don't know about.

Symbolism is all around us, if we would only decipher the codes..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your an idiot. Napoleon made that pose because it was dignified. It was famously done my many men in the era, especially men of nobility or power. Many men used this pose in paintings, including the man known as our nation's founder, George Washington. It doesn't mean that he and Napoleon were part of the same secret society. Napoleon went to Egypt. What would you use as scenery for Egypt if you making an animation? Pyramids. He famously beheaded people who opposed his rule. Once again, if you were making animation about Napoleon, what would go on? As far as his hands on the globe; he was a famous megalomaniac. Ever here of a Napoleon Complex? There's a reason that's named after him! He was the French Emperor, and he sought to conquer at least Europe, if not the Globe. I mean at the time, Europe was pretty much the world to Europeans. Anyway, ever hear of Paradolia, or better yet paranoia? Paradolia is the human ability to see patterns where none exist. Surely you've heard of Paranoia. Quit wasting your time with this occult nonsense, pay attention to whats actually going on in the world around you, and take all the time you spend researching this crap to learn some real history.
    - I edited to remove profanity, and rephrase a line.

  3. First of all I would like to thank you for giving your opinion on this topic, its important for people to debate what is really going on. Second of all, since you are so highly educated on the subject and claim I am not, I bow before you and ask you to please enlighten me on the subject. Would you explain to me what the pose is that Napoleon takes? Is there a name for it? I believe it is called the hidden hand, but I forgot to take my medication so I may be incorrect. Also, if the occult has nothing to do with the problems in the world I would love for you to educate me. What is the 'real' history you so assuredly claimed I do not know about that I need to learn? I am all ears...

  4. I applaud you and your efforts to reveal the truth to people. I also noticed the exact symbolism examples you gave and found this page in a google search. Yours was the only page I could find addressing this specific commercial. Keep it up :)

  5. Look, it's not about me being more intelligent than you. Based on your profile you at least have skepticism towards religion, and that's a good start. However, it's a pose taken by nobility and the elites of the period. It's no that it's a symbol of some secret fraternity, it's a pose taken by the wealthy, elites, and nobility of the era. Obviously you've broken the bonds of religion, and that's a good thing. I guess my main point is that you should keep a healthy skepticism, as well as do more research on the topic beyond what is apparent in commercials. Commercials are frivolous things and I doubt there's much hidden meaning below simply the surface. They are meant to make you buy things, not give out secret messages. I think you have potential as a skeptic, but in order to realize it you have to quit giving credence to conspiracy theories.

  6. I meant to provide serious questions to you by pointing out that the theories that you put together for this are not necessarily the case. I guess with my wording in retrospect that I was being unfair as well as dismissive.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lincoln, I respect where you are coming from. However, I believe it is you who needs to do more research. I am well aware of some of the bigger issues in world and the truth behind them. But this blog is not necessarily directed towards people are already aware of these facts. In regards to the commercials holding subliminal messages, I think you underestimate the powers behind corporations. I was not attempting to say that commercials can 'control your mind', but rather it is important to recognize symbols all around us that show who is really in control.

    Now, your point about the hidden hand merely being a symbol of the time period I would direct you to a site called the Vigilant Citizen. Here is the link to a well research article on this specific topic.
    Please let me know your thoughts after reading this article.

  9. Thank you Dakota, I am just starting out but I hope to help shake up the system. We need to get together as a people to change the world for better.

  10. Ok seriously Lincoln, I'm not normally a grammar nazi but when the person is commenting on the intelligence of someone I do feel the need to point out that you used the wrong form of "your"

    Do some research and you'll find she's right. Do a search for George Washington's name and "freemason" and you'll get plenty of hits. Likewise for "napoleon" and "freemason" Do research on anyone who has been photographed in that stance and you will find they have connections to the Masons. It wasn't just a popular pose for the time because if you really do your research you can find current politicians in that same stance and we know it's not really that popular right now.

    You were so keen on discrediting Alanna that you didn't actually comprehend what she wrote. She wrote that in that one scene, the math scene not the pyramid scene,he's holding a triangle and THAT is a reference to the all seeing eye. You can excuse the pyramid if you want but that is just blatant to anyone who knows better.

    I'll really boggle your mind now and add a couple of extra symbols that Allana missed. At the beginning scene when he is a kid with a red pot on his head I first asked myself why a kid would be wearing a Shriner's fez. In the math scene while he is holding the triangle there is a math compass down beside him... which can be found in the Masons logo. What do the two have in common? To be a Shriner you have to first be a Mason and... well do your research. You strike me as the type of person who is going to tell me that they can't possibly be evil because they are philanthropic.

    It's pareidolia (notice the spelling correction from this idiot)when there is one symbol or one sound. To have that many symbols in one commercial and ignore them... well that's just what sheep do. They also call people idiots and paranoid to try to discount what they say.

    Respect to you Alanna. Keep up the fight.

    1. I appreciate your comments on my article and on Lincoln's response. You were correct in identifying the pyramid I was referring to in my analysis. I also agree with your more extensive break down of the video. I am aware of the Shriners connection with Masons and the symbolic hat their members wear.

      Thank you for your support, as I am still educating myself about the truth of the world. Please continue to post your comments and advice. It is welcomed and appreciated.

  11. Oops. I said all seeing eye and that was wrong as the all seeing eye has to actually have an eye. The pyramid is an Illuminati symbol. It's found in a lot of architecture and even Jay Z has his half witted fans unknowingly doing the pyramid hand gesture that can also be seen in a lot of pictures.

  12. > "The narrartor [sic] basically says that Napoleon's hidden hand is secret power that others don't know about."

    I disagree. Obviously, the commercial's point is that his secret power was Red Bull, *not* playing pocket pool all the time. Wake up sheeple!!!

  13. I actually saw this commercial a million times this week. Yo I noticed the illuminati all thru it almost immediatley. I brought this up to a few people and they said they peeped the same thing i saw.Check out the new commercial too. You're gonna see it. Messages showing and telling us something. People ain't hip tho. Too busy lost in the sauce. They know what the're putting in these commercials. Wasn't no accident. And they also know the majority ain't catching on.
