Sunday, July 22, 2012

Colorado Tragedy and Governmental Exploitation

July 20th 2012 will forever be remembered as a day of horrible violence in a sleepy Colorado town. My heart goes out to the families of those who lost loved ones from the massacre. But of course almost immediately after this event the media and authorities targeted our 2nd amendment. CNN pundit and British 'journalist' Piers Morgan proclaimed on Twitter that, 'America has got to do something about its gun laws. Now is the time'. Interesting statement from someone of British descendent, and to my knowledge not even a U.S. citizen. While he is not a very well known journalist he certainly does have his own audience, and this type of hype escalates quickly. Many people are trying to make this massacre into something more than it possibly is, as if the CIA is somehow part of this situation. I am not denying that it is possible for this to be a psyop but until more evidence is  presented we can only understand that this is a terrible event that will be exploited.

Now, how is the government exploiting this event you might ask. Well lets examine some events surrounding the tragedy. First, the U.N. treaty, even Forbes recognizes the impact this treaty could have on U.S. citizens. Check out their article yourself.. Forbes Article  Second, this treaty is to be signed on July 27th the day the Olympics kick off in London. IS this any coincidence? Major distraction that will fill up the news media for days, check. Yes my fellow Americans, we are fast approaching a world government that has only its own best interests at heart, and one that is quick to "never let a serious disaster go to waste".

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