Thursday, September 27, 2012

Medical Marijuana in Arkansas: A vote for Freedom

A groundbreaking issue will be on the Arkansas ballot this election season: Medical Marijuana. Arkansas (my current home state) is the first southern state to allow the issue ballot access. Arkansans for Compassionate Care were required to gather over 62,000 signatures for their petition to be eligible for the ballot. They doubled this requirement. Along with access to a virtually side-effect free drug, the law would provide patients with the freedom to grow a marijuana plant if they live more than five miles away from a dispensary. Individuals who theoretically would be covered under the law include cancer patients and HIV positive persons. While this could be considered a victory for liberty lovers, and of course those who desperately need relief from poisonous big pharma drugs, it is still confusing why we must plead with our government to receive treatment for what ails us.
On issues such as this it is important to vote. So often those of us who are aware of what is really going on become disheartened when it comes to voting. However, if you care about liberty and freedom it is important to vote for these issues. The aforementioned Arkansans for Compassionate Care Act will be issue #5 on the ballot, and I urge anyone residing in the state to support the initiative by voting this election year. Others should support their local liberty and freedom movements, because the more we stand up for what we believe in (namely the freedom to do as we please as long it doesn't harm our neighbor) others will be forced to acknowledge the presence of true Americans.

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