Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mitt Romney's French Connection

Vietnam, the United States single most dividing war in its history. Over 58,000 men (with the exception of about 7,500 women) lost their lives, with 2.6 million individuals serving during wartime. Politicians like John McCain and John Kerry have famously served their country both being awarded the Purple Heart. Then there is Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee. The man that has a net worth of 250 million dollars. What exactly was his role during the Vietnam War?

During the 20 years that the U.S. was involved in Vietnam, Mitt Romney was a young man. However, he somehow managed to avoid the draft and found time to protest against those who protested the war. He was against the sit ins taking place across the country at the time. But what was it the enabled him to avoid fighting a battle that he was so eager to send other young men to? It turns out Mitt Romney received what is called Missionary Deferment. In fact, he received not one, not two, but THREE deferments. He spent the majority of the Vietnam years overseas in France writing love letters to Ann his then sweetheart back in the States. Yes the wine drinking, cigarette smoking, caffeine addicted people of France were in need of Mormons knocking on their doors. Mitt Romney could not simply leave the poor people of France alone searching for God in their false churches and selfish ideologies. After the war had passed and people had time to question where he was during those treacherous years Mitt Romney said he was never running away from the draft, and that he felt' frustrated' he could not serve his country during those years, although he also said it was never his desire to serve in Vietnam.

  Mitt Romney the Draft Dodging Warmonger 

Fast forward 37 years later and we have Mitt Romney pushing war with Iran on the American people. Throughout his campaign Romney has continually called out President Obama for not doing enough to keep a nuclear device out of the hands of the Iranians, and has said over and over how he would have never let Iran get as far as they have towards building a nuclear device. He would have done more in the form of

military action. You see, Mitt Romney would have never served his country by actually fighting in a war, but instead asks to serve the country by putting others on the front line. It is amazing how politicians and those in power are so quick to push war on the world, while at the same time refuse to take part in the battle itself. But there are a select few who wish to project peace out onto the world. Men like Ron Paul, who has served our country as a flight surgeon, and Gary Johnson who does not want more unnecessary war that does nothing but benefit world banks. However, Mitt Romney is nothing but content with beating war drums while he stays a safe distance away in one of his mansions. And that is Mitt Romney's French connection. Accepting Mitt Romney as pro-veteran is like accepting Obama as pro-capitalist, it means nothing and is a false representation of his true history. Remember that the next time someone says their candidate cares about the veterans.

Check out the video below for more commentary on Mitt Romney's Vietnam years.

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