Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Obama Welfare State

Are Republicans over-exaggerating when they say Obama has created a welfare state in America? Is there real hard evidence to support this claim? Well, recent numbers indicate there is a major increase in welfare program spending up 32 % since President Obama took office. Over a trillion dollars have been spent on low-income programs as of 2011 (this number includes state spending). What does this mean? It means that the federal government now spends more money on welfare than on social security.

Safety net or Dependency by Design?

So what does this say about our Nation? What does it say about the administration now in office? While welfare programs are necessary and provide a safety net for those unable to take care of themselves for whatever reason, it is undeniable that there is widespread abuse of these programs. For example, there has been great debate over the so-called Obama phones recently. The video below is the epitome of dependency and a prime example of political bribery.

These so-called Obama phones really have little to nothing to do with Obama. The program to ensure low-income individuals have access to telephone service started under the Regan administration, but today are supported by the Link-up and Lifeline programs. Therefore, dependency on the government for handouts and other such goodies is a bipartisan trick. So the next time you hear someone touting Obama's welfare reforms, inform them of the massive debt our country is in and compare that with how unimportant their damn phones are. Because the welfare state does not depend on Obama being president, it depends on the ease with which we can be bribed.

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