Thursday, October 18, 2012

Liberty is a Women's Issue

In this year's 2012 presidential campaign many issues have been debated, but at the front line of the campaigns have been women's issues. What many people fail to realize, however, is that many of the topics of discussion are merely a distraction and are clearly meant to divide the general populace. For example, Sandra Fluke testified before Congress in favor of the Affordable Care Act. She argued that as a woman she should have access to contraceptives and reproductive healthcare. The argument was based on the idea that a woman should be protected by the government from her employers. While to some extent her statements rang true to women everywhere, an underlying implication was put forth: The government should force a commodity on a private insurance group. I do not disagree that equality must continue to be fought for in this country, nor do I disagree that medications that treat ovarian cysts and other reproductive issues should be covered in insurance polices. But I believe many people are missing a major part of women's issues, they aren't only women's issues. As women we want equality, freedom to have equal pay, and freedom to hold a job we enjoy doing. We want our children to grow up and be happy, healthy, and educated adults. Liberty and freedom are issues that affect all people regardless of their race, gender, or sexual orientation. As women it is not simply a matter of protecting our rights, if we fight to protect civil liberties for all we will do ourselves and our nation a true service. We must untie with other liberty lovers and freedom fighters to develop a system that helps us regain control of our country.Ours should never be an argument based on religious rhetoric or moral dogma. It is really quite simple, if liberty is our goal it should be liberty for all, not only for small individual groups that make up our nation.That is the true women's issue.

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