Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Petraeus Ailes Controversy Highlights Media Involvement in Politics

In mainstream news today a story is unfolding. But within that story can be found more evidence of control and manipulation by the media. Top FOX news chairmen Roger Ailes, attempted to persuade then General Petraeus to run for president in 2012. Seemingly innocent enough, right? Well not exactly. Rupert Murdoch, the owner of News Corp, allegedly offered to 'bank roll' Petraeus' campaign. What does this mean? It shows how the owners of the media attempt to control the political climate. FOX news is of course an obvious example of complete bias against the Democratic party. However, they also showed bias against their own. People like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, and many others have suffered from complete media blackout by News Corp. Simply put, Rupert Murdoch pushes the agenda of the Republican party (it also could be argued that of the Illuminati) on his viewers. With top ratings amongst other media outlets FOX news has the biggest audience to control and manipulate.

Regardless if you are a Democrat, Republican, or have no political affiliation, this story proves how elite media figures use their status to change the political climate of our country.


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